Islam & Earth
Voices and conversations on Earth connection; environmental issues; climate action & sustainable solutions through an Islamic worldview. New podcast every other Jumah (Friday).
18 episodes
Ep.17: Islamically Inspired Solutions on Food System & Food Justice Issues, Dr. Tammara Soma, Research Director of the Food Systems Lab
In this important conversation, Dr. Tammara Soma, Assistant Professor at Simon Fraser University & Research Director of the Food Systems Lab, speaks about her own personal journey towards the study of food, food systems a...
Season 1445
Episode 17
Ep.16: Connecting to the Qur'an & the Creator through Nightsky Exploration - Sr. Nadia Abuisnaineh: NASA Solar System Ambassador
In this majestic episode of Islam & Earth, Sr. Nadia Abuisnaineh, a NASA Solar System Exploration Ambassador, speaks about how the majesty of the nightsky. She discusses how this connects us the Creator and the wonders of...
Season 1445
Episode 16

Ep. 15: From Turtle Island to Gaza: Indigenous Solidarity with Palestine - Dr. Nick Estes, Member of Lower Brule Sioux Tribe & Professor of American Indian Studies
In this episode of Islam & Earth in the last Jumah of Jumada al-Awwal, 1445, Dr. Nick Estes, a member of the lower Brule Sioux Tribe, Professor of American Indian Studies, as well as co-founder of the
Season 1445
Episode 15
Ep.14: Gaza - Under Genocide & Ecocide - Sr. Abeer Butmeh, Environmental Engineer in Palestine
In this second Jumah of Rabi al- Akhar, as more than 20 days of genocidal attacks in Gaza are passing, this podcast episode is a conversation with Abeer Butmeh, an environmental engineer who is in Palestine right now.She sh...
Season 1445
Episode 14

Ep.13: Environmentalists for Palestine - Special IG Live - Nazish Qureshi; Kadjahtou Balde; & Tasnim Mellouli
In this special LIVE recorded episode of Islam & Earth, three guests: Nazish Qureshi (Muslim Climate Watch); Kadjahtou Balde (Faithfully Sustainable); and Tasnim Mellouli (Climate Justice Activist) join for a very critical conve...
Season 1445
Episode 13
Ep.12: Kashmir: Armed Conflict, Human Rights & Environmental Genocide, Sr. Tazeen Hasan: Human Rights Advocate
In this episode of Islam & Earth in the second Jumah of Rabi ul Awwal, 1445, Sr. Tazeen Hasan, human rights advocate speaks about the environmental genocide that is happening in Kashmir.Sr. Tazeen explains how armed conf...
Season 1445
Episode 12

Ep.11: Quilting, Natural Dying & Living off the Grid - Sr. Tenille Fatimah: Quilter & Natural Dyer living off the grid
In this episode of Islam & Earth in the last Jumah of Safar, 1445, Sr. Tenille Fatimah, a quilter, and natural dyer, takes us on a journey through her experiences of transitioning into living off the grid, and how it is connected t...
Season 1445
Episode 11

Ep.10: Conversations on Birding & Appreciating Allah's Creation - Sr. Elle OumGhazi: Birder & Nature Lover
In this episode of Islam & Earth in the last Jumah of Muharram, 1445, Sr. Elle OumGhazi, a nature enthusiast and birder passionately shares insights from her experiences as a birder. From sharing about her own journey...
Season 1445
Episode 10

Ep.9: Insights on Nature Connection & Outdoor education approaches for Muslim children & families - Sr. Shehnaz Toorawa: Outdoor Educator
In this episode of Islam & Earth in the Ashura Jumah of Muharram, 1445, Sr. Shehnaz Toorawa, a Certified Outdoor Educator shares insights on how engaging Muslim children and families in outdoor immersive experiences can enhance the...
Season 1445
Episode 9

Ep.8: Muslim youth climate activists' panel discussion - Sr. Hania Imran; Sr. Tasnim Mellouli; Sr. Nouhad Awwad; & Br. Mohammad Ahmadi
In this special episode of Islam & Earth in the last Jumah of Dhul Hijjah, 1444, a 4-panelist discussion with Muslim youth from around the world explores what drives these youth to lead climate action workThis panel feature...
Season 1444
Episode 8

Ep.7: Perspectives on Climate Change Impacts & Sustainable Solutions in Somalia & E. Africa, - Br. Hassan Mowlid Yasin, Global Climate Change Educator, Env. Activist & Executive Director at Somalia Greenpeace Association
In this episode of Islam & Earth in the second Jumah of Dhul Hijjah, 1444, Br. Hassan Mowlid Yasin speaks from his experiences on the ground in Somalia and East Africa, on the impacts of climate change and developing meaningf...
Season 1444
Episode 7

Ep.6: Building Sustainable Urban Arab Cities, - Sr. Huda Shaka, Chartered Environmentalist & Chartered Town Planner
In this episode of Islam & Earth in the last Jumah of Dhul Qadah, 1444, Sr. Huda Shaka speaks from over 15 years of experience in sustainable urban city planning for Arab cities. Sr. Huda speaks about innovative ways to a...
Season 1444
Episode 6

Ep.5: Palestine: A land under illegal occupation, exploitation, and climate impacts, - Sr. Abeer Butmeh, Environmental Engineer, Co-ordinator of PENGON-Friends of the Earth Palestine & Environmental Activist
In this episode of Islam & Earth in the last Jumah of Shawwal, 1444, Sr. Abeer Butmeh speaks from over 15 years of experience in environmental work in Palestine. Sr. Abeer explains how the illegal occupation of Palestine is n...
Season 1444
Episode 5

Ep.4: Politics of Environmental Lawmaking- Dr. Nadia B. Ahmad, Author, Attorney, Law Professor, & Environmental Justice Advocate
In this eye-opening episode of Islam & Earth in the third Jumah of Shawwal, 1444, Dr. Nadia Ahmad shares insights from her work on the environmental legal framework and how her own journey in law initiated at the heels of 9/11 ...
Season 1444
Episode 4

Ep.3: Climate Injustice, Colonization & Muslim Narratives - Sr. Nazish Qureshi, Muslim Climate Watch
In this thought-provoking episode of Islam & Earth in Jumah & Eid-ul-Fitr, 1444, Sr. Nazish Qureshi, founder of Muslim Climate Watch highlights how compounded impacts of conflict, climate change, and climate apartheid are drast...
Season 1444
Episode 3

Ep.2: Prophetic Inspiration for Sustainability & Eid celebrations - Sr. Kori Majeed, Green Ramadan
In this episode of Islam & Earth in Ramadan 1444, Sr. Kori Majeed, who founded the Green Ramadan Platform reminisces on her experiences of growing up on her grandmother's farm and her connection to food from the land. Sr. Kori s...
Season 1444
Episode 2

Ep.1: Ramadan, God-Consciousness & Green Initiatives - Sr. Sevim Kalyoncu, Green Muslims
Ramadan Mubarak!In this first episode of Islam & Earth in Ramadan 1444, grateful to have an in-depth conversation with the Executive Director of Green Muslims, Sr. Sevim Kalyoncu, who grew up in the deep south and shares a...
Season 1444
Episode 1